Saturday, September 25, 2010

Taking a Short Break

Hey - o!

No cakes this weekend - my husband is itching to brew a batch of beer this weekend (he has been brewing for a few years now)... And the three cakes from last weekend kept me pretty dang busy between working and baby.

But... I already have my mind made up about my next few cakes and I'm psyched to start working on them soon! If I am able to do a cake next weekend, it will be trueley a "Tam" cake - simple yet somewhat feminine. I think I'm also gonna take a shot at making homemade red-velvet cake just to shake it up a bit... There will be plenty to share... you will just have to come and visit :)

Maybe in a few weeks we'll have a celebration with home brew and cake?


Tam a lam

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No New Cakes this Week...

Sunday my immediate family is celebrating 3 September birthdays.  This will be the first time I am making cakes based on what other people want/requested.

So, I am taking a "break" this past weekend/week as I have 3 cakes to make for this upcoming weekend.  I have been working on the birthday cakes since last week, doing what I can after the baby goes to sleep for the night...

I hope they all enjoy their cakes as there is a lot of love in the making of them :)

Until next week -

Monday, September 6, 2010

For my Mother in Law

I wanted to try making a more "marketable" cake this week - One that, if I were selling cakes, would appeal to people for any occasion, whether birthday, shower, anniversary, congratulations... etc.  I also wanted to start learning how to make flowers - as nerdy as that sounds, since a lot of people want flowers on their cakes.  I'm still working with mostly fondant so all of the flowers and leaves on this cake are made of fondant.

So far, after I'm done decorating a cake, I let it sit out for a day so we can admire, then it goes right to the trash.  There is no reason to keep it, as there is always plenty of left over or mess up cakes to keep my hubby satisfied, and fondant doesn't keep much longer than 3 days without a box, but before I even made this cake, I had Joan in mind (my mother in law) therefore, this one was not landing in our trash.  The classic beauty of the roses and the 'soft' color scheme (although not as soft as I had planned) - spoke of Joan.  Out of anyone I know, I felt she would appreciate this cake the most - she was my inspiration behind this cake.  Enjoy Joan!

This cake was sort of a copy of another cake I found when googling cake images, but I put my own spin on it.  I learned a lot in making this cake, and I had fun at my first attempt at roses, leaves or flowers in general.  The more I decorate, the more I want to... :)

Stay tuned for September birthday cakes.

Tam a Lam