Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Swallowed by the Holidays

It has been awhile since I blogged.  Just like everyone else, my already insanely busy life gets all the more crazy around the holidays.  The past few weeks I’ve been juggling a full time job, opposite working hours as the hubby, a baby at home, baking, shopping, decorating, wrapping, get togethers and trying not to let the house fall apart.

Before Christmas, I made somewhere between 400 and 500 cake balls in either the form of pops or truffles.  These were for multiple orders, gifts and get togethers.  Surprisingly between all of the craziness and separate packaging of the treats – I did not manage to get any pictures.  One of my co-workers took a picture of one of those 400-500 treats from a batch I shared at work… Feast your eyes:

Not the best quality...

From the reading I’ve been doing, I’ve anticipated that January/February would be quieter as far as placing orders is concerned… but so far, I haven’t noticed with my January quickly filling up with various cake orders.

I’ve been doing a lot of cake pops and truffles lately, and while I enjoy putting them together and especially enjoying eating them, I’m really looking forward to decorating a cake again.  Some of the upcoming orders are really going to challenge me (camouflage, carving…)

Maybe when a slow season does roll around, I’ll be able to decorate a cake just per my design?

Anyway, just wanted to put a quick update out here.

Tam a Lam,

P.S. Don’t forget to get your Valentine order in soon:

Friday, December 10, 2010

More of those Deliciously Cute Cake Pops :)

Working 45-50 hours a week, I probably spend more time at the office with my co-workers than even my own family... And of all my co-workers, I spend most of that time with Mel.  We sit right next to each other, and for a long time, were the only females on our half of the office.  You can probably imagine the conversations we've shared :)  I know at times we drove each other crazy, but for the most part - we keep each other sane.  

Mel's been keeping up on my cake progress from the very beginning (albeit I am still in that phase), and celebrated with me as orders began rolling in.  She has been itching to place her own order or recommend me to anyone who may need some cake product of sorts but thus far, nothing has come up.  My birthday is only a couple of weeks before hers and when we went out for lunch and drinks to celebrate - she got excited as she realized her birthday was coming up and was a perfect excuse to get some cake pops.

She only requested a dozen, and wanted a purple/silver combination.  I do not yet have an edible airbrush machine, and was not able to get my hands on any silver icing in time, so I found silver sprinkles to accent the pops per her request.

These were a lot of fun to do, and a good warm up for me before my up coming holiday orders.  A very pretty request for a pretty birthday girl - Happy Birthday Mel!

At this point, there is no stopping me... If I am not working, taking care of the baby, eating or sleeping, I am either baking, decorating or blogging about it :)  Just kidding... sort of...  Needless to say, you all are keeping me busy - and I love that.  

Hope to share some of this deliciousness with you soon!

Tam a Lam