Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Burnt Out.

So I have been avoiding writing this particular blog because I certainly do not want to put anyone off, make anyone feel regretful for recent orders placed or detour anyone from placing an order but man, I just need to get this off my chest. 

there. I said it. and it can't be taken back. 

before I elaborate on that at I just want to clarify that I absolutely love making edible art and I am still completely obsessed with it, and I have no plans on quitting any time soon… additionally, the statement was not directed at any particular order or person in any way, shape or form.  I am tremendously thankful for all of the orders and people that come my way and thoroughly enjoy working with each and every one of you!

Now to explain my statement:

If you've read any of my previous blogs, its no secret that I feel a bit "busy". 

A typical day for me goes like this
  • 5:00AM wake up to baby crying
  • between 5 and 7:40AM juggle getting ready for work, packing my lunch, cleaning and taking care of baby
  • 7:40AM frantically try to get out the door for work
  • 8:00AM-5:00PM (give or take a half hour in either direction) work my day job, kicking ass and taking names [or something along those lines]
  • 5:30PMish arrive home to baby immediately wanting me to hold and give him shameless undivided attention - to which I am more than happy to oblige.
  • 5:35PM shovel dinner down our throats so that at
  • 5:45PM Dan (husband) can rush out the door to teach music to his eager students or attend a rehearsal or gig [percussionist by trade]
  • 6:00PM clean up dinner, dishes, baby and high chair while simultaneously running his bath
  • 6:10PM bathtime for baby
  • 6:30PM time to start the bed time routine with baby - brushing teeth, reading stories, closing all blinds etc
  • 6:45-7:00PM put baby to bed
  • 7:15PM assuming baby went to bed right away, begin working on cake stuff until I crash - which is anytime between 9PM and 10:30PM usually
  • 10:30PM-5:00AM wake up 2-4 times throughout the night to a teething baby
  • 5:00AM start it all again…
Anyone want to trade places? 
Yeah, didn't think so…

Point being, while I love to cake - I don't have the opportunity to do so until everything else through out the day or my life, has sucked any bit of energy I have out of me first…  All the while, I miss out most opportunities to have any sort of recreational time with friends or family. 

Bottom line: I am just burnt out and I feel like it is definitely beginning to reflect in my work.  What I don't think that most people really understand is simply the amount of time that goes into just one cake.  Think shopping for ingredients, shopping for supplies (boxes, board, ribbon etc), mixing, baking, cooling, filling, crumb coating and settling, making accents, coloring fondant, decorating and the worst - cleaning up after all of that.  Even on the simplest of cakes I'm talking about 8 hours of work minimum, while most cakes take at least double that.  Between baby, work, and home where the heck am I suppose to find an additional 16 hours or more in a week for caking?!?  Throw time out the window - how about energy

People often ask me how I find the time to juggle it all - my simple answer  is "I don't sleep".  But in all seriousness, I just get frantically stressed, emotionally distressed, embarrassed by less than par work and sick to death of caking.  I love it, and I don't want to lose that - I just wish I had the time I need to dedicate to it. 

Okay I am done ranting.  I am not asking for pity or an ego stroke.  I chose to do this, I opened the door for business and as such, I will continue and will continue with a grateful attitude.  Many people are not so blessed - and with that realization I will move forward.  Just needed a little vent break.

Thanks for listening (reading) my rant...

Tam a Lam