Friday, November 16, 2012

These days

Yeah - I'll spare you the "I suck at blogging... so busy" card.  I'm not a stay at home mom. I don't work part time. I don't work full time. I work full time plus and have 2 small dependent children so yeah, blogging isn't something I keep up on and that is that.

At any rate, I don't know what the last cake was I wrote about is, but I am certain that I have made several since then.  However, due to some health issues the doctors' say I need to de-stress as much as possible.  I don't know how in the world to de-stress - there is not enough time in a day to slow down.  But, for now, the easiest thing to "cut" out of my schedule is taking on cake orders.  So, I don't plan on making any crazy cakes for a while and likely only for family/friends and their special occassions in moderation (I have a large family and tons of nieces/nephews so I don't want to leave that window wide open).  So, this blog will not be about how busy I am, how stressed I get, the recent orders I've done or caking at all.  This blog is dedicated to my 2 and 3 quarters year old (as he likes to say) - and his funny Noahisms that I never want to forget.  Two that are fresh on my mind from the last few weeks will be noted here although I could write for hours the funny things he says and does that crack us up each and every day.  It's his innocence, his intelligence and his surprizingly mature personality that never ceases to amaze and entertain us.  How I love my busy little guy.

On halloween, we let Noah pick a candy to eat after dinner time. Grandma, Boppa, Dan and myself were all sitting at the table finishing our dinners and Noah is dumping out a fun sized bag of skittles on the table.  He notices there are "S"s on the skittles and is quick to point this out to all of us.  Noah knows all of his letters and usually what sound each letter makes - but I try to re-inforce learning whenever I can with his spongy brain.  I reply "Noah what sound does the "S" make?" - Noah picks up a skittle and puts it to his ear to listen to the S.  Seriously.  We all burst out laughing...

Yesterday we made a quick stop at the grocery store after picking up the boys from daycare for some last minute ingredients for dinner.  Noah saw some wreaths (he doesn't have a well developed long term memory yet - as most kids under 3 don't - so to him, this just may have been the "first time" he ever saw wreaths).  He points and in true Noah exaggerated, excited form he exclaims "A GRASS DONUT!" Yep. That's my boy! Tears...

I'll leave you with those 2 short, cute, funny stories of my Noahisms for now... but I hope next time I have something relevant to share to include some more.  A peek into the life of Tami.

Until next time,


P.S. I finally have business cards if anyone would like some!